
2022河南名校质检英语作文 第1篇

Dear doctors and nurses,

I am Li Hua, a senior high school student in Xinhua High School. I amwriting, on behalf of all the students and teachers in our school, to express mygratitude to all the medical workers for your efforts in defeating the COVID-19pandemic.

During the outbreak of the COVID-19, it was you who gave up the opportunityto take vacations and reunite with families, and went to the places where theepidemic was most severe to save patients regardless of your own safety. When Iheard that many medical workers themselves have been infected while deliveringmedical care to the patients, I couldn’t help crying.

We believe that through our joint efforts, we will win the battle against theCOVID-19 in the near future. Thank you again for your devotion andsacrifice!

Good luck and stay well.

Yours,Li Hua







2022河南名校质检英语作文 第2篇

Dear Peter,

In order to cope with the situation that students cannot attend classesoffline caused by COVID-19, a new teaching method — online teaching emerged atthe right moment.

Teachers who become the _anchor_ teach us by using online meeting Apps suchas Zoom and Tencent Meeting. As for me, I think this teaching method is lively,and it can greatly stimulate my interest in , there aredownsides to online courses. For example, without the teacher’s supervision andpeer pressure, our study efficiency may reduce.

All in all, online teaching not only satisfies the need for education butalso keeps the students and teachers safe during this special period of ‘s a sign of scientific and technological progress. Looking forward to yourreply.

Yours, Li Hua



成为“主播”的老师们通过使用 Zoom 和腾讯会议等在线会议软件给我们上课。对我来说,我觉得这种教学方法很生动,可以极大地激发我的学习兴趣。但是网络课程也有不足之处。例如,没有老师的监督和同侪压力,我们的学习效率可能会降低。



2022河南名校质检英语作文 第3篇

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

In recent years,studying abroad has become a trend. Numerous Chinese studentshave gone to foreign countries for further , there are many whoare striking for an international education.

There are several advantages to studying abroad. Firstly, living in a foreigncountry can improve one’s language proficiency due to a better languageenvironment. Secondly, if we explore a new country at the same time as pickingup skills, we will probably gain a decent job after graduation. Thirdly, theexperience of living abroad means meeting a diverse range of people, which givesus a more in-depth knowledge of other cultures as well as a good opportunity tospread our own culture.

However, there are some drawbacks. Most of the students are too young anddependent to live by themselves without any living experience. Also, being in afar-off country, they may easily feel lonely and homesick. Besides, tuition andliving expenses are much higher than studying in domestic schools.





2022河南名校质检英语作文 第4篇

如今微信(WeChat)走进了人们的生活,为大家带来了诸多便利,但有些人也随之成了“微信控”(WeChataholic),请你就此事写一篇文章。你的文章必须包括:对此现象的描述 你对“微信控”看法。


In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular. Many people express themselves, exchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.

There are a number of reasons for Wechat to be known. To begin with, Wechat is a relative cheap way of communication,which cuts down a great deal of the cost of making a phone call. Next,Wechat is to the taste of the majority of people. Its attractive interface and various functions are loved wildly. Furthermore, convenience also accounts for its popularity. It is available everywhere and at any time.

However, problems exist meanwhile. Firstly, our identity can be revealed when we use Wechat. As a result, we can be in trouble. Moreover, it may make communicating with others face to face less. To make the matter worse,relationship could break down. Last but not the least, our attention might be drawn too much to focus on study.

That’s all. There is no doubt that Wechat will improve as time goes by.

2022河南名校质检英语作文 第5篇

1. 词汇:词汇是组成英语知识大厦的基石,英语词汇量的多少标志着你的英语水平。扩大词汇量的好方法是:把阅读材料中以及练习题的生词和短语全都标出,在字典中查一遍,注上音标,注解和典型用法。但是,还有几十天就要高考的情况下,有些同学如果单词还没有过关,这里有个建议。高考复习时的那份高考词汇表,包括了高考要考的所有词汇。在最后阶段,大家可以将词汇表从头到尾背3-4遍。


2. 语法:在复习语法的时候,注意查漏补缺, 扫除盲点。认真对待所有的语法题目。在对答案和讲评时,则一定要把错的更正,把知识点记忆一遍。查找自己知识结构中存在的缺陷,扫除知识的盲点。在语法题方面,不妨以配备一本专门的_错题本_.有时间就经常翻看,解决记忆问题。

3. 完形填空:多做练习,做完之后全文读一遍,建立自己的语感,有助于以后的做题。同时,建议大家一边读一边做,能确定的就选择了,不确定的就标记上,暂时不管。第二遍的时候再通过对上下文的理解去分析不确定的选项。这样可以节省时间,而正确率也能有所提高。

4. 阅读理解:阅读量大,分值高。_得阅读者得天下_.平时要多做阅读,多做限定时间的阅读。做题时先粗看全文,理出文章的_坨_(大体意思),再看问题,根据问题的特点,再带着问题在文章中找出细节的支持点来5. 七选五:此道题是一个新点。建议大家多找一些练习。注意七个选项中的有信息意义的实词,利用上下文重复的原理来做出推理判断。此外,值得注意的是:逻辑关联词和代词的代指关系在解题时尤为重要!

6. 作文:首先注意的是书写工整。给阅卷老师一个良好的印象,这是你成功的第一步。

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